Since I'm probably going to have this song stuck in my head for WEEKS at a time...I shall quote the best part of it now. =) hey, its what i do!
Snow Patrol --- Its beginning to get to Me
"...It's so thrilling but also wrong
Don't have to prove that you are so strong
'Cause I can carry you on my back
After our enemies attack
I tried to tell you before I left
But I was screaming under my breath
You are the only thing that makes sense
Just ignore all this present tense..."
Friday, December 4, 2009
Snow Patrol, why are you attacking my brain?!?!
Posted by R Jo at 1:10 PM 0 comments
life as of current.
work is good.
school is insane!
a good friend is talking to a boy who, as she describes him, makes her 'liver quiver'.
party tonight---woot woot!!!
christmas time is only 3 weeks away!
i'm still wearing flip flops!
i'm thinking that i may write several blogs today instead of just lumping everything into one.
ok, thats all for now.
Posted by R Jo at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Chiune Sugihara
Chiune Sugihara. Probably not a house hold name. No need to go to google, I will explain who he was. But before I do, I'm going to take a minute to ramble about a few other things. I've been in a Holocaust course this semester, and unlike the majority of courses I have taken during my college career, this one has really had an impact on me personally. It has made me think and question things. Not just about Americans and Germans and Jews that were alive during the 1940's, but about myself and my peers. Not all college classes can say that. Anyway, back to Chiune Sugihara.
A very long story short[although trying to condense this story I know is going to prove to be a challenge], Chiune was born on January 1st, 1900 in Japan. He grew up and eventually became a ambassador for Japan and was transferred to Lithuania in 1938, right before the outbreak of World War II. During his stay in Lithuania, He recognized Hitler's extreme hatred for the Jews. He along with a few local Jews devised a plan to get passports and get out of Lithuania while they still could, Chiune was capable to giving these Jews passports to travel across the Soviet Union, Japan and eventually coming to two islands that agreed to harbor these Jews as long as was needed. Chiune was at a crossroads. He knew that if he began issuing these passports, he would be fired and he would risk he and his wife living in poverty for the rest of their lives. He did it anyway. With the help of his wife, they wrote out 300 passports per day for 27 days before they were caught and deported. Even while on the train bound for Japan, Chiune leaned out of the window, throwing handfuls of passports out to Jews who were running after the train.
This story really has had an impact on me. He knew he was putting himself and his wife in danger by his actions, but he did what he felt convicted to do. I wish I could say without a doubt that I would do the say thing if I were put into his position. But the truth is that I do not do what is right with the little things. I do not always follow my convictions. I at times choose the easy way rather than the right way.
There is a Holocaust museum in Israel, called Yad Vashem. At Yad Vashem, there are trees planted for the "Righteous among the Nations", these are individuals, Jews and Gentiles, who help Jews try and escape the Holocaust. Each tree is accompained by a plaque that states who the tree is in honor of.
There are 600 trees.
There are 22,000 cases pending for more trees to be planted in others names.
Chiune Sugihara just recently had a tree planted in his honor.
It is estimated that 4500 people survived the Holocaust because of his efforts.
I do not forsee myself doing anything that is anywhere near as courageous as what Chiune did. But I do hope that with the opportunities that I am presented with and the situations I find myself in that I follow what God has convicted me to do. I encourage you to do the same. Just something to think about.
Posted by R Jo at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 20, 2009
Observations for today...
When watching Bear in the Big Blue House, I never think about the fact that Bear does not wear pants...that is until he goes into the bathroom. Thats when it becomes painfully obviously that there is a naked bear on the screen about to go potty. Awkward.
You know who isn't attractive? Joe Walsh. I'm not denying the man's musical abilities, he's just not someone you want to stare at for long periods of time...or on second thought, any period of time, short or long. Listen to his music for long periods of time? Yes. Stare? No. Got it? Good.
Penguins have no need for bathing suits or tuxedos. They naturally are born with both. Hence the reason that the "Penguin Bathing Suit and Tux Shop" at your local mall is doing so poorly. Pretty awesome combination though, right? Formal Party attire? Check. Pool Party attire? Check. Formal Pool Party attire??? Check Check!!!
Posted by R Jo at 1:12 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Holocaust Conference
The Holocaust Conference was amazing...especially the Liberators and Survivors Panel. I will hopefully be posting some pictures soon as soon as I can find the cord for my camera to download these pictures.
Trying to blog more frequently. We'll see how that goes... =)
Posted by R Jo at 1:38 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Posted by R Jo at 9:24 AM 1 comments
I know its been a while...
Dear Joy, I know its been a while so I decided to write a blog...that is if I can think anything other than this one sentence to write. Life is pretty much great right now and therefor I should be on cloud 9 and super happy and excited about things, right? Wrong. I've let my relationship with God fall to the wayside. I think because I did that it has affected my happiness/joy in all areas of my life even though things are going well.
I'm beginning to realize more and more that if I'm where I need to be with God that everything else seems to fall into place. And if I don't put God as my priority, things go just the opposite. I'm guilty of fitting God into my schedule instead of my schedule revolving around God and the opportunities He is and has presented me with.
Today is the first day of me really making an effort, and I admit that it did not go great. I woke up at 6, showered/prayed and talked to God for 15/20 minutes and then read my Bible for maybe 15 after that. It wasn't in my mind a huge success. Maybe I'm thinking too hard about it. I almost want someone to tell me how long I should be reading my Bible for everyday. 15 minutes? 20? More? Maybe it doesn't matter how long you read....maybe its what you are getting out of it. Maybe. Just a thought. Not that I'm saying its ok to read one verse and be done....well, wait, maybe it is. I'm so confused right now and I apologize to my one reader for this blog being probably very hard to read and follow.
So thats where I'm at with God right now. I'm distant, not where I should be, and I'm working on it. I'll keep you updated on how its going.
Other than that, kinda as I said before, things are ok. I love my husband, and He's being very encouraging about me and God and me and the gym, which I have fallen away from some to be honest.
Friends are being amazing as always, especially my one reader who said something about the lack of blogging in my life--- thank you and love you! Small group is....ok. My relationship with God has obviously affected my ability to lead my group as well as I could, but once again I would like to say I'm working on it. I admitted to my group last night that I'm a mess and that I am in need of some encouragement, accountability, and prayer.
By the way, one reader, please feel free to ask me how my quiet time is going. Or if I'm doing it at all. It would be very much appreciated.
Alright dear, I'm going to call it quits for this blog. I may write another one later today. I'm feeling very encouraged. And inspired. And insane. :b
Posted by R Jo at 7:53 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Exercise, Calories, and All that Jazz!
Here I am rapidly approaching my one month-iversary with the MAC. And as far as the scale goes, I've lost 7.8...but to be honest...I think the scale is lying! I'm not sure what I expected to happen. I probably thought I would have instant results...or at least some sort of results, yet here I sit a month later and feel like I've accomplished nothing. Joy and Sean, who are both amazing and encouraging in everyway!, say that they can tell that I'm losing and that I'm getting more curvy [sean mostly noticed the curvy thing, although Joy did agree after I told her what he had said...might have been slightly awkward for her to walk up and feel my waist and say 'getting a little curvy aren't you'!] Anyway, I'm thankful that someone notices a difference, I just wish I could too!
I was google-ing earlier trying to figure out why if I've given up soda and almost all sweets AND exercising, why I'm not losing weight. Everyone has a billion different opinions on the subject. The general consenses is that I should cut back on calories. The amount of calories I take in every day according to these 'experts' vary anywhere from 1250 to 4148. 4148?!?!?!? Are you serious?!?!?! By the way, 4148 would be like eating 3 Big Macs with Cheese and 3 large fries AND I WOULD STILL have enough calories left to get a large Sonic Butterfinger blast...with 30 calories to spare!!! My fitness guru [joy] and I were discussing this last night, I think somewhere between 1200 and 1500 is my goal per day...although right now I'm above that...not for today already, just in the end of the day I will probably reach or pass that.
Losing weight isn't as much fun as everybody pretends it is. And although I know it would be counter productive, something about the pounds not just falling off the way I had hoped makes me want to eat a sonic butterfinger blast, don't worry, I'll still have 3478 calories left for today! =)
-r jo
Posted by R Jo at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Dear loyal reader,
Someone told me today that if I wanted to lose weight, I would need to take in less and less calories everyday, and lower the amount at the end of every week. Pretty much saying that if I started this week, I would need to take in 2450-ish a day and a year from now I should be taking in 1250-ish a day. This seems like an impossible goal. What do you think
Posted by R Jo at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Let me attempt this in a non-sarcastic way.
I feel like God has been talking to me a lot recently. Maybe we are making up for the 3 or 4 months of me feeling like all of my prayers hit the ceiling and I wasn't hearing anything at all. Now I feel like we are in overdrive, making up for lost time while I was in one of my many rebellious seasons with God.
The thing that has been sticking out to me recently the most is that I feel like I'm a little bit...ok, a lot too critical of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Instead of spending my time praying for and encouraging others, I seem to spend it judging them and being angry at them. Sometimes I do feel like its a righteous angry, but not always. I especially have a tendancy to get this way when I'm confronted about something I'm not doing right, whether that be in my spiritual walk or in my small group leadership or lack there of. It is true that sometime it is neccessary to point things out to your peers or others you are in leadership with, but it needs to be done on a one on one basis, not in front of a group or behind the someones back. I am guilty of going about this wrong way, those scenarios listed above being personal experiences, something I've done to someone or that someone has done to me.
Also, God has also really been talking about gossip in the church. Its not like He is telling me this to 'Go spread the message to everyone else about it, your doing fine'...He's yelling at me. To be honest, its something He put on my heart over a month ago, but I have done a fine job of ignoring Him until now. I know this is going to sound awful, but I'll be honest, I would rather point out and make fun of the flaws of others than to work on myself. Its easy and less complicated than looking at yourself and trying to listen to God on what He is trying to do in you.
I don't know that this will apply to my one reader or not, but I did need to vent. =) yay for venting!
Posted by R Jo at 11:05 AM 0 comments
GO ME!!! I ROCK!!!
Holy cow! I did it! yay! ...lets see if i can do it again...
Posted by R Jo at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Apples and Peanut Butter: My day so far.
Dear one and only loyal reader,
This will probably take me all day to write. I'm at work and thats usually how it goes. There is so much going on with me I'm not entirely sure of where to start, so I guess how I'll go about this is by giving you a play by play of my life recently.
6:30--- Wake up after being asleep only an hour and a half. Most of my nights recently have been spent dreaming about being at college group and being a 'saster! ['saster=disaster in the off chance that someone who isn't my only reader reads this]
7:30--- Arrive at work and worked with people who are awesome in everyway.
12:00--- Left work to go home, watch "Friends", and most importantly TAKE A NAP!!!
5:15--- Meet Joy @ MAC. Fought the EMOD and the EMOD won.
6:42--- Arrive at church. Didn't really have group, had "Ask Jim" instead. Pressure is temporarily off to lead the group again.
10:40--- Got home from the gathering and went to bed.
Today hasn't varied much since yesterday, I'm working all day instead of a half day and probably won't take a nap. My life isn't very exciting at all, which is why I usually refrain from blogging. I think I may go ahead and save this one and maybe attempt to write something interesting.
Posted by R Jo at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hello all!
I realized today that its been awhile since I've been on here, so I wanted to tell you about some things going on with me! [not that that many people read this...well, probably only one, but whatever]
So I've joined the MAC [my one reader already knows this :) ] I've decided I'm really going to try and lose some weight and get fit! Just looked up a chart of what my target weight should be for my height, how incredibly depressing! But I feel like this is something God is calling me to do, so I know its possible. To be quite honest, I'm kind of upset with myself for ever letting my weight get this out of control. I know I should have done more over the past few years to try to get a handle on it, but there is no use in spending time wishing I had done something then. We'll see how it goes. I'll keep you updated. :)
Posted by R Jo at 2:36 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
So I've felt God saying for a while now that I needed to repent from some things and that I needed to ask for brokenness. This is where the stubborn part comes in. God has been telling me this for about 2 weeks now, and up until last night I did my best to ignore Him. I have to admit that I was doing a pretty good job. I'm beginning to find my self ridiculous. I know that I need to ask for brokenness and need to repent. I know that doing so will bring me closer to God. I know that the longer I wait to do what He tells me, the harder it is for me to hear Him. And yet I know the process of being broken---been there, done that, not fun. It seems that I've been more about me having a good time with my faith than actually doing what God is calling me to do.
This all ended last night when I began to pray and repent on my way home from a party. I felt like almost as soon as the words "God, I need to be broken" came out of my mouth, He started the process. He's not slow to forgive or slow to humble us. Its a good time. The evening ended with me laying face down on the floor, crying and praying with Sean praying over me. It definitely did not appear to be one of my best moments, but in actuality it was a big God moment.
It started to make me think---If He gave everything He had for me, why am I hesitant to let Him have all of me? I'm stubborn, selfish, and delusional. And I'm working on it. Its a slow process, I didn't wake up this morning feeling like Super Christian and I do still feel somewhat distant from God, but I know I'm in the right direction. Please pray for me that I will keep my priorities in order and continue to seek after God with all my strength. It would be much appreciated!
Posted by R Jo at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Susan Boyle, you rock!
Joy and I watched this video last night and I had forgotten how absolutely amazing Susan [we're on a first name basis] is! It did make me think of how we all have a bad habit of judging a book by its cover. Just because someone looks a little rough around the edges, doesn't mean that they aren't amazing! Being someone who is a little rough around the edges herself, believe me--- i know! If we just judge based on appearances, we will miss out on so so sooo many amazing and great things that God wants to give us and do for and through us....just a thought! :o)
Posted by R Jo at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Best thing ever!!!
Posted by R Jo at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
...then I repented of my sins, and won the victory...
Yesterday, as I stood in church singing "Victory in Jesus", I began to think about how much I used to hate that song. For a long period of time in my teen years I had a love-hate relationship with hymns... I loved to hate them. They were just a bunch of old songs that we had to sing every single week at the church I grew up in. I got so used to singing them, I stopped thinking about what the words meant. I knew the words, sang them without EVER looking down at my hymnal.
I stood there and sang the song and really began thinking about the words. I began to regret all those times that I just sang the song because I knew the words, not because I meant it. I'm embarassed to say I did the same thing with my faith, and still sometimes do. I go to church, I say the right things, I say that I'm fine when the word is crashing in around me, and I go through the motions without really thinking.
I've been in church since I was a year old. I've heard the stories, I know the verses, I know what to say, I know the church answers....but are knowing these things making me closer to God? Am I really living my faith just by having the right answers? No.
Over the past 5 years or so, I've tried to run away from my old ways of just always saying the church answer or pretending, but old habits die hard and it is easy for me to slip back into my old ways---especially if I'm not being consistent in my time with God. I don't want to 'play church'. I don't want to go on Sundays and Wednesdays and think that I've acheived my "God quota" for the week and be done.
Its easy to claim you are something- you can claim to be a vegetarian, you can claim you don't gossip, you can claim you fast every other day, you can claim Christianity- claiming you are something and actually being it are two very different things. I'm afraid that alot of the bad rap for the church comes from us christians claming we are christians and then acting like something else. I'm guilty of it. I admit it.
But maybe by admitting it we can pop the "I'm a perfect Christian" bubble, and admit that we are all just struggling to know Christ better, and to follow HIm with all of our energy. I don't know, just a thought, I'll stop preaching now.
Posted by R Jo at 12:19 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I know its been a while...
This past weekend was the family reunion for my Dad's side of the family. We always meet at the family farm, were my great great great grandfather built a log cabin that is still standing. When I was little, my Dad, Mom and I would go to the farm for the weekend sometimes, for our "weekend adventures".
Being there this past Sunday afternoon, I was flooded by memories. I remember hiding under the kitchen table, and being eye level with the counters. Everything seemed so much bigger then. The rooms that once seemed to be huge, were my Dad and I would have tea parties are now quite small and cluttered with junk- well, junk to me, but to my Uncle a lifetime worth of memories.
Things were so much simpler when I was eye level with those counters. My Mom could do absolutely anything, get or do anything for me, and that she was stronger than anyone who had ever lived. My Dad was a giant...and a superhero. He was the coolest guy, way cooler than the Beatles, and all my friends should have been jealous that I had such a cool superhero rockstar for a dad. My parents were going to live forever. Jesus walked on water because He was Jesus, I didn't need an explanation of how or why He did it. Life and faith and believing were easy. And then I grew up.
I grew up. I knew my Mom was a strong christian woman, but she couldn't do everything [this lesson was learned when I asked for a pony for my 5th birthday and didn't get one]. I knew that my Dad wasn't a superhero, he was just Dad. And although he loved me very much and would do anything he could for me, he wasn't invincible. As for me and Jesus, although I believe that everything the Bible said He did was true, I started wanting to know how and why He did it. I was especially curious about why He would die, although I did figure that one out and I am eternally grateful.
At one point in my life I thought that Jesus saying we would need the faith of a child was silly. Children? Really? But it makes perfect sense. Jesus tells us to trust---children trust without asking for a track record of past behavior to make sure you are trustworthy. Jesus tells us to believe---believing for kids? No problem. It might sound like an odd idea, but having faith like a child is the only kind of faith we can have.
Growing up gives us the impression that we need and deserve an answer and an explanation for everything, but in reality, thats not true at all. I will never be able to give enough reasons or answers or explanations for everything that Jesus did. I know that there are a ton of very intelligent people who can out talk and out reason me---but there is one thing that they can't out talk or out reason: I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see!
Posted by R Jo at 12:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ok, as of 5 minutes ago when I stepped on the scale, I've lost 20 pounds! I know that no one really can tell other than me, but I'm pretty excited! 20 pounds ago I was at my heaviest weight ever...and now I'm losing it and will never gaining it back! yay! Pretty good way to start the day!
Posted by R Jo at 7:56 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Oh Lord its hard to be humble, when your perfect in every way...
Its a song. In case you were wondering.
Last night in small group we talked about the subject of the being humble along with several other things. One verse imparticular seemed to stick out:
37 “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over—will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use,[7] Lit you measure it will be measured back to you.” ---Luke 6:37-38
I have a fear of being judged. I do not want people to think anything negative about me, especially in the church. If I arrive to a meeting late, I fear that everyone there thinks I am a slacker who can't seem to get her priorities in order. I'm afraid of my actions, my words, my appearance, and my intelligence [or lack of] being judged. If this is the case, then why am I so quick to judge? Or so quick to condemn and soooo slow to forgive? I'm a bit bothered by these things.
It seems that God has decided that this is as good of a time as ever to humble me about some things. Brokenness and repenting seem to be the theme of my walk with Christ recently. Its something I need and I understand that, but it isn't too much fun.
I want to be at a place in my walk were I wake up and the first thing I think is that I'm thankful for the day, instead of complaining about wanting 10 more minutes of sleep. I want to be at a place where the needs of others and what God is calling me to do are my priority 24/7, instead of their current place. I would like to be the girl version of David, the girl after God's own heart.
Instead I am currently a disaster area, there should literally be orange safety cones all around me. However, I am learning that God is more than capable of turning my disaster area life into something He is using and is going to use to glorify Him.
Rjo might be a disaster area, but she is growing and using her disaster area status to hers and God's advantage.
Posted by R Jo at 1:33 PM 0 comments
If a penguin wore a bathing suit...
I'm sure how to complete that just sounded like a good title.
Ok, list of things going on right now:
- One more class of the semester!
- I'm actually reading a book for fun, its been a very long time since I've done that.
- I've got a song stuck in my head....want to know what it is??? ...ok, ok! Stop begging! I'll tell you!
I don't even know why I've been singing this song! I'm not a huge fan of Fred in this movie, he can't be trusted. He stole [STOLE!] Bing's girl. Ok so He gets her back in the end [which, by the way, he shouldn't have taken her back] doesn't matter---Fred is a rotten friend in this movie! Oh well, what can you do.
Posted by R Jo at 11:58 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Just wanted to write something...not really sure what I want to say or a topic to write about, so I'm going to ramble...and vent just a little! I'm sorry if I haven't been a good enough friend recently to all or any of you. I've recently been receiving complaints that I spend too much time with Sean or with just a few friends instead of everyone. If that is you- sorry. I do feel like it is important for Sean and I to spend time together when we know, since we're getting married and all that.
Alright, enough of that- moving on! 66 days until the wedding! I'm soooo tired of planning, i'm just ready for it to be here already! I totally understand now why people say not to have engagements that are longer than 6 months...its because if you do have an engagement that is longer than that you want TO PULL YOUR HAIR OUT! AHHH!! Everything at the apartment is done, all the boxes unpacked and pictures hung up. Oh! By the way--- Sean is living there, I am not. I will be moving in after the wedding, so to answer the question everyone has asked me 1000 times- no, we are not living together.
In other news, God is amazing! all the time! Easter is this Sunday and I'm looking forward to it quite a bit! He's still teaching me this patient thing [which is NOT fun but very much needed]. As if that were not enough for Him to be teaching me, He's also reminding me to be merciful and gracious with other...tough lessons to learn, but at least I know I'm growing!
Also, Sean is ridiculous...I mean I love him and all, but he's silly. He told his mom that I am nervous about meeting her! is true....but HE DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL HER THAT!!! GOOD GRIEF!!! So now I get to look forward to meeting my future-mother-in-law [maybe before the wedding] for the first time and she will know that I'm super nervous and awkward about it...which makes me feel sick! yay! [note the sarcasm]
Ok, I think thats all. I pretty sure that no one EVER even reads this, but oh well, at least I got to vent! :)
Posted by R Jo at 1:18 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Do you ever get the feeling...
That no matter what you do, its never enough? Not going to lie, I'm a bit discouraged at the moment about all of this. Part of me feels like "if what I do doesn't really matter...why waste my time?" This weekend Allen [pastor @ W.O.C.] talked about working as if you are working for God, not for man. I'm trying to keep that in mind, but its not my natural instinct or what I really want to do. Ahhh! Sorry for the venting! Ok, I'm good---thanks for reading this!
Posted by R Jo at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Foreverandever, etc.
Hmmm... I do love me some David Crowder! [thats where the title came should listen to this song sometime, its amazing!]
There are sooo many things that have been going on recently, I'm trying to figure out the most logical way of writing it all out so that it will make sense. I think a bulleted list is in order! :
- GOD IS AMAZING!!! He's teaching me to trust and to lean on Him, and while it is absolutely terrifying, its also been a time when I have grown in my walk with Him.
- Sean and I moved this past weekend into an apartment! ...well actually, my stuff moved into the apartment minus my clothes and things I have to have at the house. No, we're not 'living in sin'... [people have been asking that a lot!] Its very exciting!
- JOSH TAYLOR IS THE COOLEST GUY EVER!!! Not just anybody could sing "Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you, but I have mixed feelings" haha!
- Wednesday nights have become my Joy and Rjo night, which I love! Its amazing to see how God brings people into my life and uses them to minister to me, encourage me, and listen to me vent. Its also amazing when you have a friendship where anytime you hang out with this person it is glorifying to God---this is TOTALLY the case with Joy! ... and she's teaching me to cook---God be with us! I'm going to be operating an oven!
- I'm so over Wedding planning...i don't want to do one more thing thats wedding related other than wear that dress and marry that boy! Not that I'm not looking forward to the wedding, but I'm looking forward to being married to him too and stuff after the wedding! [no shading comments about me looking forward to things that will happen after the wedding...wait...i just did that didn't I? CRAP! haha! :) ]
- I love the gathering!
- Karen Petersen is a super hero. end of story.
Ok, thats about it for now...I'll attempt to keep up with the blog a little better than the first time I had one!
Posted by R Jo at 12:30 PM 0 comments