Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Exercise, Calories, and All that Jazz!

Here I am rapidly approaching my one month-iversary with the MAC. And as far as the scale goes, I've lost 7.8...but to be honest...I think the scale is lying! I'm not sure what I expected to happen. I probably thought I would have instant results...or at least some sort of results, yet here I sit a month later and feel like I've accomplished nothing. Joy and Sean, who are both amazing and encouraging in everyway!, say that they can tell that I'm losing and that I'm getting more curvy [sean mostly noticed the curvy thing, although Joy did agree after I told her what he had said...might have been slightly awkward for her to walk up and feel my waist and say 'getting a little curvy aren't you'!] Anyway, I'm thankful that someone notices a difference, I just wish I could too!

I was google-ing earlier trying to figure out why if I've given up soda and almost all sweets AND exercising, why I'm not losing weight. Everyone has a billion different opinions on the subject. The general consenses is that I should cut back on calories. The amount of calories I take in every day according to these 'experts' vary anywhere from 1250 to 4148. 4148?!?!?!? Are you serious?!?!?! By the way, 4148 would be like eating 3 Big Macs with Cheese and 3 large fries AND I WOULD STILL have enough calories left to get a large Sonic Butterfinger blast...with 30 calories to spare!!! My fitness guru [joy] and I were discussing this last night, I think somewhere between 1200 and 1500 is my goal per day...although right now I'm above that...not for today already, just in the end of the day I will probably reach or pass that.

Losing weight isn't as much fun as everybody pretends it is. And although I know it would be counter productive, something about the pounds not just falling off the way I had hoped makes me want to eat a sonic butterfinger blast, don't worry, I'll still have 3478 calories left for today! =)

-r jo


Joy said...

4,148 is a RIDICULOUS number of calories!!!! Where was the crazy madness in that number???? WOW!!! That's a lot of unhealthy food, friend! lol. I know you won't go there, and you know my true opinion is what you want in moderation. you can't have a Sonic Butterfinger Blast all the time every day, but occasionally it isn't so bad.

You know as well as I do that you're doing a grerat job!! AND we're doing weights three days a week! The scale isn't lying to you, but while you've lost way more fat, you've gained a ton of muscle, and muscle weighs more then fat does.

The best kind of weight loss is slow and steady. That means you're way more likely to keep it off. The healthier you are losing it makes it easier to maintain. you workout an hour a day 6 days a week (at least) and it's becoming normal. It'll be easy to keep it up.

You are doing great and you look great, friend!! You're getting so curvy (LOL)

Joy said...

did I mention to you how I really like the new background? Cause I do... very cute!