Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Let me attempt this in a non-sarcastic way.

I feel like God has been talking to me a lot recently. Maybe we are making up for the 3 or 4 months of me feeling like all of my prayers hit the ceiling and I wasn't hearing anything at all. Now I feel like we are in overdrive, making up for lost time while I was in one of my many rebellious seasons with God.

The thing that has been sticking out to me recently the most is that I feel like I'm a little bit...ok, a lot too critical of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Instead of spending my time praying for and encouraging others, I seem to spend it judging them and being angry at them. Sometimes I do feel like its a righteous angry, but not always. I especially have a tendancy to get this way when I'm confronted about something I'm not doing right, whether that be in my spiritual walk or in my small group leadership or lack there of. It is true that sometime it is neccessary to point things out to your peers or others you are in leadership with, but it needs to be done on a one on one basis, not in front of a group or behind the someones back. I am guilty of going about this wrong way, those scenarios listed above being personal experiences, something I've done to someone or that someone has done to me.

Also, God has also really been talking about gossip in the church. Its not like He is telling me this to 'Go spread the message to everyone else about it, your doing fine'...He's yelling at me. To be honest, its something He put on my heart over a month ago, but I have done a fine job of ignoring Him until now. I know this is going to sound awful, but I'll be honest, I would rather point out and make fun of the flaws of others than to work on myself. Its easy and less complicated than looking at yourself and trying to listen to God on what He is trying to do in you.

I don't know that this will apply to my one reader or not, but I did need to vent. =) yay for venting!