Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hello all!

I realized today that its been awhile since I've been on here, so I wanted to tell you about some things going on with me! [not that that many people read this...well, probably only one, but whatever]

So I've joined the MAC [my one reader already knows this :) ] I've decided I'm really going to try and lose some weight and get fit! Just looked up a chart of what my target weight should be for my height, how incredibly depressing! But I feel like this is something God is calling me to do, so I know its possible. To be quite honest, I'm kind of upset with myself for ever letting my weight get this out of control. I know I should have done more over the past few years to try to get a handle on it, but there is no use in spending time wishing I had done something then. We'll see how it goes. I'll keep you updated. :)


Joy said...

so... if I'm you're only reader, why is this titled "Hello All". I don't think I have split personalities? Do I??

Anyway... I KNOW KNOW KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!! You're such a rockstar and you keep me so motivated to keep up with going almost every day of the week!!! A couple more weeks on the Evil Machine of Death and you'll be super thin and buff!

=o) Love you!