Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Apples and Peanut Butter: My day so far.

Dear one and only loyal reader,

This will probably take me all day to write. I'm at work and thats usually how it goes. There is so much going on with me I'm not entirely sure of where to start, so I guess how I'll go about this is by giving you a play by play of my life recently.

6:30--- Wake up after being asleep only an hour and a half. Most of my nights recently have been spent dreaming about being at college group and being a 'saster! ['saster=disaster in the off chance that someone who isn't my only reader reads this]

7:30--- Arrive at work and worked with people who are awesome in everyway.

12:00--- Left work to go home, watch "Friends", and most importantly TAKE A NAP!!!

5:15--- Meet Joy @ MAC. Fought the EMOD and the EMOD won.

6:42--- Arrive at church. Didn't really have group, had "Ask Jim" instead. Pressure is temporarily off to lead the group again.

10:40--- Got home from the gathering and went to bed.

Today hasn't varied much since yesterday, I'm working all day instead of a half day and probably won't take a nap. My life isn't very exciting at all, which is why I usually refrain from blogging. I think I may go ahead and save this one and maybe attempt to write something interesting.