Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Just wanted to write something...not really sure what I want to say or a topic to write about, so I'm going to ramble...and vent just a little! I'm sorry if I haven't been a good enough friend recently to all or any of you. I've recently been receiving complaints that I spend too much time with Sean or with just a few friends instead of everyone. If that is you- sorry. I do feel like it is important for Sean and I to spend time together when we know, since we're getting married and all that.

Alright, enough of that- moving on! 66 days until the wedding! I'm soooo tired of planning, i'm just ready for it to be here already! I totally understand now why people say not to have engagements that are longer than 6 months...its because if you do have an engagement that is longer than that you want TO PULL YOUR HAIR OUT! AHHH!! Everything at the apartment is done, all the boxes unpacked and pictures hung up. Oh! By the way--- Sean is living there, I am not. I will be moving in after the wedding, so to answer the question everyone has asked me 1000 times- no, we are not living together.

In other news, God is amazing! all the time! Easter is this Sunday and I'm looking forward to it quite a bit! He's still teaching me this patient thing [which is NOT fun but very much needed]. As if that were not enough for Him to be teaching me, He's also reminding me to be merciful and gracious with other...tough lessons to learn, but at least I know I'm growing!

Also, Sean is ridiculous...I mean I love him and all, but he's silly. He told his mom that I am nervous about meeting her! is true....but HE DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL HER THAT!!! GOOD GRIEF!!! So now I get to look forward to meeting my future-mother-in-law [maybe before the wedding] for the first time and she will know that I'm super nervous and awkward about it...which makes me feel sick! yay! [note the sarcasm]

Ok, I think thats all. I pretty sure that no one EVER even reads this, but oh well, at least I got to vent! :)



Joy said...

bah... people don't read it... silly girl, now that I've 'been invited' I'll SO be checking it out!!! =o)

oh, and I'd like you to know that my 'word verification' is:


that should so be a real word.