Monday, June 7, 2010

101 in 1001 UPDATE!

Accomplished tasks:
7. Attach a note to a balloon and let it fly away.
8. Try to get a tan [this was my friend Hannah's suggestion...we'll see! =)]
14. Get rid of old clothes and give them to goodwill
21. Watch all the Katharine Hepburn movies [don't have to re watch if on the AFI list]
23. Buy a record player
28. Make a Bucket list
29. Make cookies for a friend
33. Picture taking day with Joy
38. Buy electric fence wire
39. Buy an antenna
40. Make another Albert
42. Memphis trip with Joy
43. Build a sand castle
48. Buy lunch for Mom
49. Go to a play
58. Buy a small sketchbook to carry around with me
61. Play volleyball
70. Make throw pillows
72. Send a friend balloons
73. Fix clock
79. Write a paper at least 1 week before it is due
82. Go to a concert
85. Go to a Drive in movie
86. Make breakfast for Sean and let him eat in bed--- crumbs!
87. Go to the Aquarium
96. Organize art supplies
97. Buy a friend dinner
98. Teach Samantha the words of Rod Stewart's "Maggie May" and "You are my Sunshine"
101. Complete list!

Tasks I'm currently working on:
1. Watch AFI's Top 100
2. Graduate from college
3. Get out of debt
4. Read the entire Bible
5. Journal more
6. Tithe on a consistent basis
9. Lose weight [God willing, I will have lost all of it by then!]
18. Keep a plant alive for at least 3 months
27. Read 10 books
52. Find and try 20 new recipes
59. Set aside time to read my Bible and pray daily
69. Buy a smaller pant size AND actually be able to wear them
75. Memorize 1 verse every month
81. Buy all of Ryan Adams CD's --- real copies, not iTunes
83. Beat Beatles Rock Band, singing all songs on 'Expert'
94. 1 day a month for Rachel time