Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Smalltown Poets' "Prophet, Priest and King" from their album "Smalltown Poets". As some of you know I wake up as a different 'person' or 'persons' everyday. It usually has something to do with if I wake up with a song in my head or if I'm in a particular mood that could influence it. Yesterday I woke up with this song in my head. This video is awesome awful! I'm guessing the making of this video included a night in one of the band member's garages for some of the shots, a day at the park, and approximately $35 dollars (this includes the $20 dollars spent at Taco Bell on the bands lunch and $10 for a frozen pizzas for later that night) Note the 'Chuck and Di' reference. Overall, video is epically bad!


Joy said...

wow... that coud actually be the worst video ever... I like the random 'special effects' ha! and the random dog walking in on the shot... =oP