Wednesday, March 3, 2010


As I'm looking up some things on google, I started typing "How to lose weight". I know, silly but true. Anyway, I got to "How to lo..." when the following things came up:

How to look hot
How to look pretty
How to look like a model
How to look like Megan Fox
How to look older
How to look younger
How to look like a Victoria's Secret model
How to look beautiful

All these things made me very sad when I saw them. This may sound strange, but it just made me realize how unhappy we are with ourselves. Part of me thinks of myself as a 12 year old girl who desperately wanted to be prettier and hated the way I looked. The older I get, the more I realize I wasn't alone in feeling this way. Google's suggestions come up based on what is searched most frequently. I was sad to see all of these suggestions. It screams of a society full of girls [and some boys] who aren't happy with who they are and want to look like models, or Megan Fox---because that is what we consider perfect and desirable as a body type.

I am just as guilty, if not more guilty than most, of complaining of how I look and wishing I looked like so-and-so. I do not think there is anything wrong with wanting to change your outward appearance or wanting to lose weight and be healthier. I am obviously all for changing what you look like, I'm in the process of doing that myself. But not every person who searched "How to look like a model" is overweight like me. Part of me believes that most of them are at a healthy weight and compare themselves to these models and believe they should look a certain way. I think wanting to look like a Victoria's secret model goes beyond "I just want to be healthy". God made us in His image. We are beautiful in His sight. And He doesn't appreciate His creation saying that we wish we looked different or looked like someone else. God, forgive me of being the girl who has done that for so many years.

I'm not saying that we should spend all of our days under the sun eating nachos with extra cheese for every meal because God will love us and think we're beautiful anyway. God says that our bodies are temples and that He dwells within us...I would just like to give God a little bit of a smaller, fitter, healthier temple. I have spent years treating my 'temple' very poorly. Very VERY poorly. God still loves me...all of me...which at the moment, there is ALOT to love! And He still thinks I'm beautiful, even though most days I don't feel that way.

So I decided a while back that I wanted to start honoring God with my actions and my lifestyle [including working out and eating better]. I feel like He has called me to do this. Some days, weeks, and even months are better than others, but I'm trying.

[I know this was a really random post, but I hope you didn't mind it too much =) ]


Joy said...

I think the irony of "How to look like Megan Fox" is that she had a whole bunch of plastic surgery to look that way.