Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've never hurt an onion, so why do they make me cry?

Speaking of crying...why can't I stop crying?!?! Its getting a little out of control. I almost cried last night while watching "This is it" with my sister/amazing friend/only reader, Joy. [hi Joy!] My emotions can't seem to get it together---and neither can I.

In addition to not getting my emotions together, I also can't get my motivation together. I'm lazy. I've known this for a while, but its starting to become more and more apparent! My lack of motivation for the gym being the biggest display of my laziness. I finally told my small group friends that I was trying to lose weight. In the process of telling them that I needed prayer for perserverence...I cried...again! Goodness why am I going crazy!?!?

Anyway, I've only been to the gym twice this week and I'm going back later today and several other times this week [hopefully!] We'll see how it goes...and hopefully I'll stop crying to so much --- its way out of control!

-R jo.