Monday, August 2, 2010

Faith not Feelings, Feelings aren't a Fruit

Hello blog readers! Sorry for abandoning the blog for a little while. I've had a lot of big ideas for posts, but very few words to describe everything. Even though I've waited to write, this could still be a little wordy and bumpy. Also life is getting crazier and busy as fall and school approach- I will work on being consistent though.

God has been moving and speaking a lot recently. Not that He ever really speaks at one time more than the other I guess, I think there are just seasons that we are more open and willing to listen than others.

One of the things that has been a painful and confusing lesson thus far is that my feelings aren't always trustworthy. I can't base how I am doing on my walk with God on my feelings. Not every moment is a "I just got home from church camp and I'm on this church camp/God high and I feel super close to Him right now". I do enjoy those times, but life isn't like church camp. Its messy and you've got work and school and relatives and friends and you're constantly in juggle mode.

I was talking to God about this as I was walking in to a small group study Sunday night and was in general just telling Him how I'm not sure that I'm a fan of this feelings being crazy at times or not matching up with the truth. The truth being that I'm growing in my walk and I am getting closer to God than I have been in a long time. As I'm telling Him this, I heard back "Feelings aren't a fruit". Fruit of the Spirit that is. Wow! He's right...obviously!

My feelings and my emotions are almost always out of whack and CRAZY. I can't let my little crazy emotions dictate my walk with God. If I do it would be a disaster. Actually, I have for a long time- and it has been a disaster.

God is moving and working in me and in His people. I'm excited to see what He's got in store for us. And no matter what it is, I'll try not to put my emotions and feelings in the driver's seat.