Friday, August 20, 2010

[being lame-no good ideas for a title]

I haven't blogged much recently because I feel like I have nothing profound to say. I do have a few blogs that are waiting to be posted and should be within the next few days. But other than that life has been pretty much normal other than a few failures I'm not so proud of. Nothing too earth shattering as far as failures go- just minor ones I guess. Others might even argue that they are non-existent failures. Maybe the major issue is that I'm learning to tell the difference between truth and lies.

Its little things here and there that have been giving me this feeling of inadequacy or failure. The major one pressing on me right now is that I'm not a good enough friend. Or a good enough small group leader. Or a good enough daughter, sister, etc. I know that's not true. But I feel like I haven't done a good enough job of showing these people that I really do care. If you are reading this and know me personally, I hope you don't feel like I've failed you. I know I feel like I have.

Other things that have been a struggle recently is that I don't have one thing that I'm extremely good at. I'm good at a lot of things (you may think that sounds prideful but please continue reading). But I don't feel like I'm GREAT at any one thing. I'm having to remind myself that none of that really matters. It doesn't define me. None of this or that or anything does- except for Jesus.

Sometimes its hard to discern between truth and lies when both are being hurled at you. I am learning to find God's voice and truth in the chaos and cling to what and who He says I am. And I am equally trying to silence Satan and identify his lies and tell him to shut up!

Anyway blog readers, I will try to be more consistent with blogging but it is busy season at work and life in general has been boring but busy, so I can't make any promises I will be blogging more frequently but I will try! Happy Friday all!