Monday, July 26, 2010

Ew vs. Progress

So for the past couple of years I've made [somewhat] of an effort to lose weight. I was at my heaviest in Fall/Winter 2008. I finally got brave last night and opened the photo files on my computer from 2008...Wow! I created a new file folder in under "My Pictures" and titled it 'Ew'. The file contained a picture of me with Sean in September-ish of 2008 and a picture of me from this weekend, about a 40 pound difference in the two photos. Now, I admit that 40 pounds in [almost] 2 years is not by any means amazing. A more appropriate word would probably be decent, if that.

Anyway, I titled the file "Ew". And I brought my laptop to work today to show a co-worker. And the more I thought about it, "Ew" was not an acceptable title. Would I rather have lost 100+ pounds in that time? Yeah! [108 to be exact from my heaviest to what I think could be my ideal weight-these charts all vary so much- so I'm down to still wanting to lose 68] But, its 40-ish pounds that I could still be carrying around.

So I re-titled the file from "Ew" to "Progress". In one of my favorite movies, Elizabethtown, Susan Sarandon's character says "All forward motion counts". And maybe she's right. I'm still quite a ways away from my goal, but I'm getting there. Please pray for me for endurance and strength to get there. Its going to be a slow process, but maybe by next September I'll be adding one more picture to the "Progress" file- my "I've finally done it!" photo!