Wednesday, August 10, 2011

i heart refinishing furniture!

My dear friend J reminded me a few days ago that I haven't blogged in over 2 months! Wow! Didn't realize it had been that long! Sorry about that! I wanted to let you know about what is going on in my life that I think is somewhat interesting---refinishing furniture! (...I'm so lame...)

Ok, usually I take a picture of the piece before I start refinishing it, but with this table I forgot- so here is a picture of a table similar to mine, the only thing different is the shape of the top.

The stain did weird things when I was trying to strip it...

After 4 HOURS of sanding last night, this picture is somewhat deceiving because it looks like the top has been sanded too, when really it hasn't.

All these little creases took FOR-EV-ER!

Another angle of the table....

Still have to sand the top, really excited about how it is coming along! I'll post pictures when I'm totally finished!

I'll try to blog more often, life has just been crazy! Happy Wednesday blog friends!


Joy said...

I really wish you wouldn't stain it... the wood is SO pretty...