Wednesday, November 3, 2010

if the parable about the talents was really about talents...and wasn't a parable...

Haven't blogged in a while. Sorry! Life has been busy. As always I guess. I've been somewhat intimidated by blogging recently. Its has become more and more obvious that I will never be as good of a blogger as some...but I am the only me there is...and maybe I have something to give to this blogging community. Maybe...

I have been struggling as I've mentioned for a while that I should just throw in the towel on several of my hobbies because I am 'inferior' to others and their abilities. But then I stopped to think about it and realized there will always be an expert in some area that is better than you (me). And just because I'm not good at it I shouldn't give up what I enjoy...maybe if I repeat this to myself a few million more times I will really REALLY believe it.

So I guess all of this is to say that I will blog when I have time and yes, it may suck...alot- but its mine. Same with photography, and music, and ...everything! I don't want to sound like the whining, poor, pitiful "oh I'm so sad because I have no talents" girl...because I do have some talents-just like everybody does. I do still long for something of my own. Something that I am the "expert" or the "best" in my group of friends...but I may need to realize that that is never going to happen. And I need to be ok with it.

As much as I would love to be this awesome photographer, or party planner, or stylish person(which really is a talent!), or etc---I'm not sure that it really matters in the grand scheme of things that I don't rock at something and I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter to God- as long as I do the best with what I've been given...which seems to be a little bit of talent in a few areas and some crazy family stories.

We'll see where it goes and what He does with it.