Friday, July 30, 2010

Happy Friday!

As per usual, I will not be blogging over the weekend- so I bid you farewell until Monday- Hope its a great weekend for you blog readers. Be safe and party like its...well...2010...because it is 2010. =)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Windows in the Sky [aka the only reason why I am sometimes U2]

Great song- great lyrics- great video- Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I think I'm funny...

I was just sitting at my desk/counter-thing at work and was thinking that I really appreciate the fact that I'm funny [I don't mean for that to sound conceited if it does]. I mean, somebody's got to make me laugh...might as well be me sometimes! Sometimes everyone will just be sitting quietly and I'll start laughing, which makes everyone think I'm crazy, but I don't mind too much. Here's what I mean...

I was looking at this picture I took at Mike's and started thinking...

"I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies, that you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again- I would understand..."


Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Helper

I'm currently in a study about the holy spirit by Catherine Marshall called "The Helper". I've only read the first six chapters, but thus far its been really insightful and has reminded me of things I once knew but had forgotten. After reading my first six chapters, [by the way, definitely read the first six chapters within hours of having to be at the study- can we say procrastinator?] I went and grabbed another book I have on the Holy Spirit to do some additional reading/studying just for me. Between the two books I read a couple of things that read struck a chord with me and I wanted to share.

Both books allude to the fact that sometimes we as Christians wish we could see Jesus face to face, or to have lived in a time where it was possible to see, talk to, hug, hang out with Him. But really, if we had of lived in that time, or even if Jesus was here in person today because of the constraints of time and space-he could only be at one place at one time. So even though that would have been AWESOME and I am very much looking forward to seeing Him face to face one day, we really do benefit from having the Holy Spirit. I was joking with my close friend Maria that if we were the last two in line to see and hang out with Jesus, but only one of us got to go- I would elbow her in the throat!...ok, not really. But if Jesus were here in person we would [at least I think we would...] probably fight each other just to get to him. I know that sounds crazy- fighting for Jesus- but we're selfish people I wouldn't put it past us. That is a HUGE benefit of Jesus leaving and sending the Holy Spirit to us. We all get to have Him with us all the time.

And that leads to my next point--- "Him". I think due to my background and being raised in one particular denomination...or maybe it was due to the church I was raised in as a child [most likely]- I don't have a tendency to think of the Holy Spirit as a 'Him', but rather a 'It'. Maybe its because of the wording. 'Spirit' or 'ghost' seems more like an it that a him to me. I know in my head that he's a him, but sometimes I slip into the habit of thinking of him as an it [goodness what a sentence!]. I think thinking of Him as a Him makes the Holy Spirit more real to us.

I'll continue to update you as I can about what I'm learning and what God is saying and teaching me through this study. I can really feel Him working in my heart and in the group. I'm excited to see what happens!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hello Childhood

Maria and I went out to Miller's, which when I was a child and we would drive up and visit my Uncle-was still a grocery store- but is now a restaurant. Some great conversation and crazy followed dinner. I made sure to document the occasion! =)

We took a little walk outside while waiting for a table...

Finally got a table! Score!

Maria's hiding!

There used to be lots of stuffed animals hanging on this wall. I must admit that I don't miss them at all!

Weird lamp...

Nice sign-age

Salt, Pepper, Maria

Tasty!...well, they looked tasty.

Over all, it was a decent night. Maria listened to all of my "this used to be like..." or "this used to look like..." stories and didn't complain at all. And I got to relive some of my memories of Dad taking me to Miller's to buy me ice cream. I am so thankful for memories- old ones and new!


Okay blog readers, I've got a question for you. What is [are] your favorite[s] fictional book[s]? I've been looking for some variety in my reading and the authors I read. Opinions? Suggestions? Thanks!

Ew vs. Progress

So for the past couple of years I've made [somewhat] of an effort to lose weight. I was at my heaviest in Fall/Winter 2008. I finally got brave last night and opened the photo files on my computer from 2008...Wow! I created a new file folder in under "My Pictures" and titled it 'Ew'. The file contained a picture of me with Sean in September-ish of 2008 and a picture of me from this weekend, about a 40 pound difference in the two photos. Now, I admit that 40 pounds in [almost] 2 years is not by any means amazing. A more appropriate word would probably be decent, if that.

Anyway, I titled the file "Ew". And I brought my laptop to work today to show a co-worker. And the more I thought about it, "Ew" was not an acceptable title. Would I rather have lost 100+ pounds in that time? Yeah! [108 to be exact from my heaviest to what I think could be my ideal weight-these charts all vary so much- so I'm down to still wanting to lose 68] But, its 40-ish pounds that I could still be carrying around.

So I re-titled the file from "Ew" to "Progress". In one of my favorite movies, Elizabethtown, Susan Sarandon's character says "All forward motion counts". And maybe she's right. I'm still quite a ways away from my goal, but I'm getting there. Please pray for me for endurance and strength to get there. Its going to be a slow process, but maybe by next September I'll be adding one more picture to the "Progress" file- my "I've finally done it!" photo!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Christmas Time is Here!

Happy Christmas in July!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


"Hosea 1:2 When the LORD first spoke to Hosea, He said this to him:
Go and marry a promiscuous wife
and [have] children of promiscuity,
for the whole land has been promiscuous
by abandoning the LORD.
3 So he went and married Gomer daughter of Diblaim..."

I admit that I 'pretend' to be an avid reader of serious books. If its anything written by Lewis Grizzard, I'm up for it. Shakespear? Not really. Although I do make it a point to read Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" every December. Its a tradition that I've kept for 5 years now.

Anyway, I've had several people over the past year suggest that I read "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. I've had a copy sitting in the apartment for probably a year before going on a beach trip where Rochelle was reading it. 4 of the 6 girls there had read it and highly suggested I read it too. Rochelle actually set her copy on my bed and told me to read it. I obeyed. The first night I had it I stayed up until almost 4 a.m. reading.

I won't ruin the book if you haven't read it, but it is pretty much the book of Hosea from the Bible set in the 1840/1850's in the American west. As I read it I so upset with Angel (Gomer for those who have read Hosea)! I spent 3/4th of the book being annoyed by this girl! Why couldn't she get it together? Its SO OBVIOUS that Michael (Hosea) loves her like crazy! He's kind, patient, loving, and gentle and strong all at the same time. At first she just runs from Him and the life he is offering her. Then she's convinced she doesn't deserve what he is offering and that he deserves something better than her, and leaves again.

I know you may know this in your head-my head, but really think about it. That is absolutely in every capacity us! I know the verses say "...just as" or "for the whole land has abandoned the Lord", but its so much easier to look at someone else and say "Look at what an idiot she's being! I can't believe she's turning her back on the best thing that has ever happened to her!" But thats us---thats me. God loves us, more than anyone ever could. He pursues us. He forgives us. He takes us back hundreds of thousands of times.

And we run. For several different reasons really. Anger, fear of God hurting us, not feeling worthy, not liking what He's saying, etc. Its totally ridiculous for us to run, but we do it anyway.

I've recently fallen back in love with David Crowder Band. And I've fallen even more in love with the song "How He Loves". This is one of the line that gets me - "He is jealous for me/loves like a hurricane and I am a tree/bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy". He really is jealous for us.

Here's another verse from Hosea that shows this:
Hosea 2:13 And I will punish her for the days of the Baals
when she burned incense to them,
put on her rings and jewelry,
and went after her lovers,
but forgot Me.
[This is] the LORD's declaration

"...but forgot Me." That's not just a jealous statement, its a sad one too. He loves us so much. He wants to be near us. To talk to us. To talk to me. If only I could forget my childish fears of God striking me down for one wrong move and really take to heart how gracious and just He is. Or if only I could remember that there is NOTHING we can do to separate us from His love. I want to know God more. I want to know His character more and have that love and grace with those around me.

Joy introduced me to Addison Road, and I think they might have said it best "There's a better version of me That I can't quite see But things are gonna change..."

...Things are changing already...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Alphabet in Real Life

A is for...well...A! (known by others as Andrea) She's artsy and crazy and fun. She also has a great fashion sense!

B is for Ben. I love him even though he's weird.

C is for C! (known by others as Crystal) She has a way at looking at the bright side of things, which I really admire about her. She also has super pretty eyes! ...and loves monkeys.

D is for my new friend Destyni! She's a little crazy!

E is for ELIZABETHTOWN! One of my favorite movies and it has a great soundtrack! Here is a picture of me doing a dance similar to one done in the movie by Orlando Bloom!

F is for family.

G is for the Gathering. =) I love my smallgroup there. Here is a picture of some of us from last summer.

H is for hiding...behind a tomato.

I is for interesting. I am very interesting and fun I think. Here's an example...

J is for Joy. My sister and best friend. She's the best!

K is for Kimberly (aka Kimby). She's one of my closest friends and I'm thankful to have her in my life! This is her Beatles rockband outfit and crazy intense we're-going-to-beat-the-game face!

L is for lovely hats!

M is for Myrtle Beach! We went there with a bunch of friends this summer. This is some of the group playing are you smarter than a 5th grader on the wii. I'm guessing by the looks on everyone's faces that the 5th graders have got them stumped.

M is also for Mom...

N is for neat! I craft and make neat things!

O is for Oma! My aunt who isn't really my aunt. She's awesome!

P is for photography. I really enjoy it and would like to continue to practice and get better at it!

P is also for penguin...

Q is for quite disappointed. Which I am every year when it doesn't snow.

R is for roommates!...even if I never actually lived there or paid rent. I love these ladies! Thanks Joy for the picture!

S is for Sean. I kinda like him a little...ok, ok...I love him A lot!

T is for totally random! This is a series of photos to prove my point...

...see what I mean?

U is for U! The readers! Thanks for reading my blog! (also I couldn't think of a 'u')

V is for volleyball! The college kids at church are crazy about volleyball. I have picture of them playing in a tournament a few weeks ago, but I like this one better. It is a small group of us playing volleyball...this past DECEMBER! These kids are intense!

W is for The Who! And the Who's lead singer is Roger Daltrey. I saw him in concert in February. It was awesome!

X is for the x-ray technician's dilemma. (aka I don't have anything for x...sorry!)

Y is for yada yada yada. Sitting around and talking is the best!...or standing around is a huge group and listening to someone talk will work too. =)

Z is for zzzzz. My uncle Lonnie asleep on the bar. Classic!

Fried Green Tomatoes (not the movie)

Last night I attempted to make fried green tomatoes...and it wasn't a complete and total fail! They were actually quite delicious! Here are a few pictures of the adventure.

The most important part...





Tuesday, July 20, 2010

David Crowder Band- How He Loves.

So the embed option on this video is not working (sad day). But I think you should get on YouTube and check it out. I love the lyrics. Anyway, Hope you like it and Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday Adventure!

So it started out as a normal day...then I decided to go for a drive.

Going on a drive wasn't my mistake. My mistake was going down this little side road that I hadn't been down in a while...

I got lost. Do you know where I am?

Where the crap is Millersburg?!!?!?!?!

...still driving...

Not the first but the SECOND time I've driven down this road.

Found some cool and pretty stuff...

Also found the lawn ornament capital of the world...this picture doesn't show everything...

...wait this looks very familiar...

I finally know where I am! Yay!